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What’s happening this year?

It’s 2022. Here’s what’s we’re working on:

  • Precinct caucuses

  • Voter engagement

  • Legislative forums

Redistricting news

According to the MN Secretary of State’s website, “Redistricting is the process of redrawing the boundaries of election districts to ensure that the people of each district are equally represented. It is typically done in the United States every ten years, after the completion of the decennial Census. At the federal level, the apportionment process in the U.S. Constitution outlined a process to make sure each state has Representatives in the House of Representatives roughly proportional to its population. Laws passed since have modified the apportionment process as the number of states and number of representatives changed. Within Minnesota, the state constitution and statutes identify what districts need to be redistricted and processes for redistricting that happens. ways to Within each state, district boundaries are drawn so that approximately the same number of persons are contained within each congressional district in the state in order to give all persons within the state equal representation. These offices include both chambers of the state legislature, county commissioner districts, and city wards, among others.”

Check out the Congressional District 4 “Redistricting For Activists” document for more information and how you can get involved.

2020 voter turnout & data

According to Ramsey County’s website, Ramsey County experienced the highest voter turnout in its history at 297,466 voters! Nearly 2/3rds of voters cast absentee ballots – 194,869 – more than three times higher than the previous record of 64,020 ballots set in 2016!